Product Portfolio

Nucleotides from one of the market leading manufacturers

Rely on high performance of even the smallest building blocks

Roche CustomBiotech is home to one of the world's largest nucleotide manufacturing operations for in vitro diagnostics development and production. Working closely with customers across industry for over 25 years, we have created a full portfolio of PCR and GMP Grade nucleotides fine-tuned for PCR and alternative amplification methods. Nucleotide mixes with dTTP or dUTP, as well as ribonucleotides, complete an offering that meets strictly enforced quality criteria in accordance with GMP and ISO 13485 to ensure minimized impurities and highly consistent products.


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The choice of industry leaders around the world

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Rely on consistency regardless of volume
Same performance across lots and at any scale

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The same dNTPs for development and production
PCR and GMP Grade nucleotides to fit any process stage

Nucleotides for mRNA therapeutics

Focus on the development of your drug and rely on us and our raw materials to facilitate every step on your path to market. In ongoing projects CustomBiotech optimizes the nucleotide portfolio to meet fit-for-purpose standards, including development of modified NTPs, e.g. N1-Methyl-Pseudo-UTP or NTPs animal-origin-free GMP Grade. The specification will be determined by the intended use of manufacturing therapeutic mRNA.

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